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  • Writer's pictureTina Huggins

Three of America’s finest…

Yesterday afternoon I was driving to the airport and received a travel update letting me know my flight was delayed due to weather…and yes, I would miss my connecting flight…why should I be surprised…it is summer and it’s FRIDAY…the night we all want to get home and relax….one day to repack before heading back on the road…one of life’s little bummers.

Frustrated and disappointed at the possibility of not getting home, I called Delta for an alternate game plan….we made a backup reservation that would get me home around 11:30 and I resigned myself to a long night sitting in Columbia, SC airport.

I arrive at the airport and checked the status of my flight. Amazingly, I was able to be put on another flight that might allow me to make my connecting flight…I am learning that being kind and patience with the gate representative is always the best way to go….

After going through security, the food court seemed the best place to wait and get something to eat. As I walked, I could see the heavens unloaded with a down pour of rain and lightening…nothing would be getting into or out of this airport. There were no seats for two at the restaurant so I sit a table for four to relax and let go of what was out of my control….tell me…why is that so hard to do that sometimes?

While checking email, I looked up and saw 3 service men waiting for a table… there were plenty of tables for 2, but not three….I have three empty seats….three good looking, young men…what is a woman to do?

I caught the eye of one and waved to them to join me…now we have a full table and lots of conversation. These three men, Logan from W.Virginia (or was it Virginia); Caleb from Ohio and Julian from Arizona had just graduated from their military training. They had been at the airport all day long and I believe that Caleb had eaten at every venue possible and was still going strong…

Since we had time on our hands and I had an iPad, we entertained ourselves by making a movie trailer, checking the weather storm and dictating the soldier’s creed with Dragon Dictation only to laugh at the totally incorrect recording that replayed.

I wanted to capture their spirit and pride so they proudly repeated part of the soldier’s creed for me to record…Listen to a portion of what they believe…

Last night was the highlight of my week… So today, I salute Logan, Caleb and Julian who blessed my day by joining me for dinner…please add them to your prayer list for protection and safety as they begin their journey for our nation.

A special thanks to Logan for the wonderful book he gave me. Everyone should by it for your home…read the stories to your children and remember what these brave men and women do to protect us!  Stories from A Soldier’s Heart by Alice Gray and Chuck Holton

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