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  • Writer's pictureTina Huggins

Two nights before Christmas…

Two nights before Christmas when all thru the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse….

The stockings were hung by the fireplace with care awaiting my family’s silly fanfare.

My children were nestled all snug in their beds while visions of days off danced in their heads.

Early I rose…the turkey I’d take straight to the oven and leave it to bake! When all was complete I crept back to bed…with my own sweet visions swirling my head.

When out of the blue there arose such a noise, I turned off my alarm so I’d not wake the boys.

Away to the kitchen I flew like a bird,

Tore open the oven and saw something absurd. When what to my wondering eyes should appear… A really raw bird…my greatest nightmare.

With a look at the oven, I knew really quick, Someone turned it off…which made me quite sick.

I later discovered Greg came down for a drink Found the oven on which made him think

“I thought it was off when I went to bed I must have forgot….uh oh I’m dead!”

So laying his fingers on the knobs of the stove, He gave a twist off and back into bed he dove.

He heard me yell as I saw the sight At least it wasn’t burned so all was alright!

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