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The calm after the storm….

Writer's picture: Tina HugginsTina Huggins

Nashville had a terrible storm last week…Voluminous black clouds filled the sky as the storm moved through town. Looking out the doors onto my deck, I could see the tall trees across the street swaying and bending so hard that I thought the limbs would surely break. Even the covers over my chairs were as full as a balloons from the air swirling underneath them, and in the distance I could hear popping sounds as if branches were snapping across the neighborhood. It felt really good to be tucked in under the covers as I watch the sky light up and the hard rain beat against the bedroom window panes.

The next morning, I rose early to a glorious day. The sun was shining; the air was crisp and clean as I stepped out for my morning

walk. The fall leaves looked as if they had turned over night. Vibrant colors of red, orange, and yellow leaves glistened through the sun as I walked down one of my favorite streets….Instead of “the calm before the storm”…this was “the calm after the storm”.

Life is like this isn’t it? An unexpected storm hits and knocks you off your feet…you may not have seen it coming…sometimes it is like the unexpected tree branch falling in your path or over a section of your house.

Some of us have storms that never seem to subside…we get hit with one right after another…often times it feels as though it is more than we can bear. What have been some of the storms in your life…a struggle or illness, a time of uncertainty or incredible challenge, an unbearable suffering or hurt?

This year I have had an abundance of unforeseen challenges…one after another….I have learned that nothing brings me closer to God than a difficult period in my life or the glorious day when I can see a glimmer of hope…a little laughter… or joy on the horizon. You see…all storms eventually end…the sun does reappear bringing a peace that provides laughter to our souls. Last week, walking on that glorious morning and being captivated by God’s beauty…was a precious reminder of His faithfulness to me.

How do you traverse the storms of your life? Sometimes I go kicking and screaming….other times in a pool of tears…then there are times when I need to be the tower….the strength…the encourager…the one with open arms. It is never easy moving forward and I have learned that I never do it well when under my own steam (as it usually takes longer to move through the storm…and it is almost impossible to find joy during the crisis).

I am waiting the day when a storm passes and I can say to myself, “Job well done!”

So how do we do it? A lot of prayer for me and few other strategies…

1. Take a step back and wait before I make a major decision. (This is very hard for me to do as I want to jump into action to fix the situation.)

2. Reframe the hurt, disappointment or crisis into an unseen opportunity. It helps offset what I’m feeling leads me to focus on something positive. (Remember Pollyana and the Glad game)

3. Stay in the present…don’t leap to the future. Go through the day…one step at a time. (As a fixer…I can make a problem worse because I rush to make things better…prayer is the only way I seem to put the skids on my feet!)

4. Don’t get discouraged….fear of making a wrong decision can paralyze and prevent any decisions. I don’t always get it right the first time…so I pray…I listen…and I adjust.

5. Read this scripture and remember that I am never alone:

Isaiah 43: 2, 5


When you pass through the waters,     I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers,     they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire,     you will not be burned;

Do not be afraid, for I am with you;

Sometimes it may be hard to see God in the midst of a storm. I often think… “He never arrives early…I believe he going to be late…but upon reflection His timing has always been perfect.

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