I talk to teachers on a weekly basis about change…changing the way they teach…changing the tools used for teaching…changing the structure of the classroom. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to advise others about change? How many of you reach the year’s end and contemplate a change in your own life… I do this every year…only I approach my reflecting pool very lightly….as reviewing my decisions and choices isn’t always pretty?
For me reflection begins with laughter at the silly things that have happened…I then move to the losses in life like a friendship that somehow slipped away…or the friends and relatives that passed away…last but never least, come the mistakes…errors in judgement…poor decisions that were made (you know the names we give them screw ups, disasters, mess ups, failures)…. the life experiences that you and I would like to forget, or redo with a different result. If I stayed in this vain of thought long I’d go into a deep depression…not a good thing for anyone starting a new year!
Years ago, I discovered that my life learning experiences were actually a blessing though not always pleasant…often painful, hurtful or disappointing…because each one helped mold me into the woman I am. Had I never tried….failure wouldn’t be in my vocabulary…nor would I have learned critical lessons that prepared me for my life! It’s not about failure…its about learning. Winston Churchill said, “All men make mistakes, but only wise men learn from their mistakes.” I believe this applies to women too!
Embracing life lessons can be our gain… we pick ourselves up…dust off our backside and change…by making better decisions, trying a different strategy, simply put…learn from the life we live.
Challenge: As you step out into this new year….reflect on last year… embrace the lessons you have learned…create change in your life that will help you grow in this new year.
The verse below is a source of encouragement for me every day! Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.