The last time I saw my daughter and her husband in Chicago I told them one of my crazy dating stories that she insisted I write about it….any single woman can relate to this tale as we all experience at least one date that borders on the unusual, bazaar, or just beyond the paranormal experience. Today, I decided to give you a chuckle and share this experience!
A tall, handsome, slightly younger business man…yes…you read right…younger…and never married asked me out for dinner. (I know what you are thinking…no, he wasn’t as young as my children!)
I arrived at the restaurant and found him sitting at the table…casually dressed with a cocktail at my seat and a plate of appetizers which included delicious strawberries…I am liking the way this man thinks.
As we begin to chat he apologizes for his casual dress, but as he was showering he noticed something black on his toe and he was concern that he had a foot fungus. Now I am thinking…
who would discuss this on a first date? Though a red flag was waving…being brought up with manners… I listen to rest of the story about seeing his manicurist to be sure his toe was not going to fall off which limited him from getting back home to change clothes…ok…with that out of the way on to bigger and better conversation…right?
Now those of you who have been married to the same man for over thirty years and might consider my life as interesting or fun…I want you to remember how lucky you are that you don’t have to go on another first date in today’s world!
Being a history buff, this guy weaved his conversation around historical information which was a technique I had not experienced. At one point he asked me a question which I began to respond to in some detail…when all of the sudden I see a fork
in front of my face with a strawberry attached to the end….mind you it wasn’t for the reason you think! Not to eat, but to bring my eye focus back to this man’s face. Apparently he did not appreciate the fact that my eyes drifted from his face as I was speaking because the fork was tracking my eyes and not my mouth….that was enough for one night…I had been as polite as I needed to be…I thanked him for the dinner and began to make my way to the car…
Just when you think nothing else could catch you off guard…it happened…as I turned to say good night I extended my hand and what did I receive, but a fist pump to replace the handshake…and that my friends says it all…Foot fungus to fist pump!
